
Reach one, Teach one. Every child can learn.

  • Mission Statement

     As a second grader teacher, my mission is to motivate, inspire, encourage, and support students by providing a safe, secure, and caring environment to educate them socially, emotionally, and intellectually so they can continue to build a foundation for life-long learning.

     My Philosophy of Education

    My philosophy of education is that every child should have the right to learn and get a quality education. Every child that enters into the classroom should feel safe and comfortable. It should be an environment full of nurturing and enriching interactions for the child.

    The goal of education is to enrich the lives of students while producing articulate, expressive thinkers and lifelong learners, who are socially responsible, resilient, and active citizens in the 21st century. Education is about teaching students, not subjects. It is about engaging students in their learning, and maximizing the potential of each and every child. Education is about looking beyond the child’s intellect, and seeing the whole child. Education is about providing students with opportunities to be challenged and still succeed.

     Students are the key to our future. In order for them to make sound decisions in life, they must be able to understand the consequences for the choices they make. My goal as a teacher is to make sure they receive the knowledge to make those decisions.