This year, Long International Middle School has transitioned to a modified block schedule.
Minute Break-down
70 minutes: Core courses (ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies)
40 minutes: Advisory
**In Advisory, students will focus on vocabulary building for literacy, a project-based learning unit, SEL activities, and a culture-focused literacy unit.**
70 minutes: Related Arts (World Languages, Physical Education/Health, Computer Science, Art)
Late Arrivals
- All students arriving at school after 7:35 AM must enter through Door 1 for "late arrival"
- Students arriving at school at 9:30 AM or later will need a parent/guardian escort, as well as documentation for absence and late arrival.
Early Dismissal
- Early dismissals will be honored until 1:30 PM. Dimissal begins at 2:00 PM each day. In order to run a smooth and timely dismissal, early dismissals and visitors cannot be accommodated after 1:30 PM.