• Vision Statement


    The citizens of the St. Louis Region, regardless of age, will experience success due in part to the contribution of Community Education Full Service Schools providing school-based and school-linked services and opportunities that respond to student, family and community needs.


    Full Service Schools



    To develop Community Education sites into Full Service Schools (FSS)


    Full Service Schools will partner/collaborate with District and community service providers to respond to the academic, health, social and cultural developmental needs of SLPS students and their families.


    1. Students achieving at higher academic levels
    2. Students having a wider range of opportunities to be engaged in wholesome developmental activities
    3. Enhanced focus on the development of the whole child
    4. Wiser use of diminishing community resources
    5. More readily accessible supports available to students, their parents, and community members
    6. Greater parent and community involvement
    7. Aligns with and supports the District’s Long Range Plan, particularly in the areas of Student Performance and Parent and Community Development

    The Process

    • Discuss with key stakeholders possible options for service delivery in light of funding reduction
    • Reach agreement on new service delivery model
    • Reduce community education centers from 16 to 13
    • Vacate all community education coordinator and specialist positions
    • Hire 13 community collaborative specialists
    • Provide professional development to specialists, CEC principals, and council members centered on FSS
    • Discuss Full Service Schools model with District and community partners/collaborators
    • Conduct asset mapping in each CEC region
    • Conduct needs survey in each CEC region
    • Analyzation of asset mapping and needs survey results by each council
    • Programs/services prioritized by each council
    • Reconvene partners/collaborators to match needs with resources
    • Seek additional funding to respond to situations where service providers are unable to assist
    • Develop comprehensive FSS plans at each center
    • Continue professional development for key stakeholders
    • Assure day school plans incorporate FSS programs/services
    • Review readiness of FSS implementation plans
    • Share plans at Chairpersons’ meeting
    • Implement FSS plans
    • CEC’s open as Full Service Schools
    • Continuous Improvement Process initiated
    • Achievement status of Continuous Improvement goals periodically posted on District website

    Time Line/Activities

    August-September, 08            Agreement reached with key stakeholders regarding Full Service Schools model

    September-December, 08       l    Vacated positions

                                                    l    Hired Staff

                                                    l    In-serviced key stakeholders

                                                    l    Conducted asset mapping in each region

                                                    l    Conducted needs survey in each region

                                                    l    Continued normal programming

    January-May, 09                     l    Analyze needs survey data

                                                    l    Match needs with assets in each region

                                                    l    Reconvene District and community service providers

                                                    l    Create Full Service School Plan for each center

                                                    l    Seek funding and additional support where needed

                                                    l    Continue normal programming

    June-August, 09                      l    Conduct summer programs

                                                    l    Continue readiness for FSS opening


    September, 09                         l    Implement Full Service School concept