
Important Information


    The A+ Schools Program is a State of Missouri program that allows students (that meet the specified criteria) to earn TWO free years at a MO Community College or Public Tech School. The scholarship will cover tuition only. Students must maintain a 2.5 GPA while enrolled at the community college or public tech school to receive the financial benefit.

    **A+ DOES NOT cover tuition at ANY 4 year colleges or universities. However, some 4 year institutions offer their own PRIVATE scholarships to students that are A+ eligible upon graduation. **

    Note: Tuition reimbursement is contingent upon the availability of state funds each school year. All individuals required to register for Selective Service must do so to be eligible for state-supported scholarships and financial assistance. Students must file the FAFSA no earlier than October of their senior year in order to be eligible for A+ funding.

     Funding is not the responsibility of the Saint Louis Public School District.

     The A+ Schools Program is under the Missouri Department of Higher Education. 

    For more information on how to become eligible visit : https://dhewd.mo.gov/ppc/grants/aplusscholarship.php