• The basic information you need to get started with your Mann Mustang!

    Principal: Dr. Lisa Brown

    Secretary: Ms. Jessica Martin

    Phone: (314) 772-4545

    Grades Served: PK-5th

    Enrollment: 230 Students

    Pick Up/Drop Off:

    • Parents of students in grades K-5 can drop off/pick up children at the curb in front of the school in between the two designated street signs. Parents must remain with their cars in this area.
    • PK students must be dropped off and picked up at the gym door from the teacher. They will not be permitted to go to cars at the curb.
    • PK students must be escorted by an adult at drop off and pickup.


    • Breakfast is served FREE to all students.
    • Students in Pre K-5 may play on the playground as early as 8:00am.
    • Students in grades K-5 may come into the building and eat breakfast from 8:00am until 8:20 am.
    • PK students will receive breakfast in the classroom after school has begun.

    Morning Routine:

    • Students in grades K-5 must arrive at 8:00 am as there is NO SUPERVISION before that time.

    School Supplies:

    • SLPS will provide a backpack with sample school supplies. Additional supplies may be requested from the classroom teacher.


    • All students are expected to be in uniform every day. The uniforms consist of pants or skirt, and a polo shirt with a collar.
    • Pants/skirts: khaki or navy
    • Shirts: navy, light blue, white, or red
    • Skirts, shorts, or jumpers must hang lower than their fingertips when arms are held at their sides. Shorts should be worn under skirts.

    Before/After School Care:

    • All students in grades PreK-5 are eligible.
    • An application must be completed online and approved by the site-coordinator prior to a student attending the program.
    • After-school hours are 3:20 pm-6:00 pm.


    • Mann School prides itself on having one of the highest attendance rates in the district and the state.
    • Attendance for state reporting is calculated by the minute.
    • The state requires students to be at school 90% of the time.
    • Students who arrive after 8:20 am must go to the office to receive a late pass.  The amount of time a student is late affects their 90% requirement.
    • Extended absences require a doctor's note.

    Early Release:

    • Students must be in school for the entire day as minutes are counted by the state.
    • Please make arrangements for appointments outside of school hours.

    Visitors in the Building:

    • All adults must come to the office to sign in and get a Visitor’s Pass.
    • Parents must remain outside at dismissal for the safety of all of our children.


    • Volunteers are always welcome. Follow the link to complete the approved Volunteer Application.
    • All volunteers, even if it is only on one occasion, must have an approved Volunteer Application on file.
    • Parents are not permitted on field trips unless they have an approved Volunteer Application on file.
