• ·     Business Management & Administration Advisory Board

    Mrs. D. Cohen, President

    Career Academy’s Business Management & Administration's Advisory Board is made up of volunteers who agree to serve for a term of two years, as an advisor to one or more career and technical programs at our school. Members are comprised of representatives from business and industry, labor, community organizations, faculty, parents, and students. Our Board's primary purpose is to provide direction and guidance to business students who choose this career path. 

    Career Academy’s Advisory Boards support and reinforce the partnership between business, labor, the community, and education.  Our Advisory Board makes recommendations that fortify and help to expand the curriculum to improve the quality of our business program(s).  Our members provide invaluable input in areas such as curriculum development, student recruitment and placement, internship and job shadowing assignments, staff development, equipment, technology, and software recommendations.

    Goals and Objectives of Career Academy’s Advisory Board

    Employment Opportunities:

    • Assist in surveying workforce needs and new and emerging occupations
    • Advise on the changing nature of the competencies in industry and career fields
    • Assist in gathering information for job placement of graduates
    • Update us on opportunities for mentoring, internship placement,& employment

    Facilities and Program Equipment:

    • Consult on existing equipment, facilities, resources, and compare with career norms
    • Consult on Lab Equipment, Technological Advancements and Industry Standards
    • Consult on Lab Safety and Classroom Guidelines

    Course content:

    • Consult on the Development of Educational Objectives
    • Review Program’s sequence and scheduling of Courses and Deliverables
    • Review and suggest Content for Courses of Study and Standards of Proficiency 
    • Contribute Resources & Guest Speaker to enhance the Instructional Process

    Today’s rapidly changing society requires that educational entities and communities they serve work closely together in Career and Technical Education Programs.  The Business Management & Administration Advisory Board is organized to provide advice and assistance to Ms. Sams, to enhance the Business Pathway, and to offer direction and support for every business student as they prepare for a successful career in the business industry.    


    Next Meeting:  To be determined