• Student Expectation

    Student Expectation

    When you miss class, you miss important information. If you are absent, you are responsible for learning material covered in class. If you have an excused absence , you will be permitted to make up coursework or complete an equivalent assignment agreed upon with me.

    To arrange excuses for absences that can be anticipated at the start of the term, you should:

    Submit a request in writing (email is acceptable) stating the dates of the anticipated absence no later than the end of the second week of the course.

    Explain the reason for absence. In some cases, documentation may be required. Please consult the policy

    Include any request for make-up work.

    To arrange excuses for absences that cannot be anticipated at the start of the term, (e.g. legal proceedings or illness), you should, at the first opportunity, submit in writing a request stating:

    The date of absence

    The reason for absence. In some cases, documentation may be required. Please consult the policy for additional information.

    Any request for make-up work as soon as reasonably possible after you become aware of the need to be absent.

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