

    Name:  Connie Alonso
    Email: Connie.Alonso@slps.org
    Room Number(s): Classrrom 1
    Subject(s): Social Sciences
    Building Phone: (314) 231-7738
    Please contact me either through email
    or chat in TEAMS.


    Who is Mrs. Alonso?

    Educator since 2005.


    Graduate - Masters degree in both Social Sciences and Educational Technology and a Google Certified instructor -Webster University. 

    Undergraduate - South East Missouri State University (Business Education with a major in Accounting) and teacher certification from Harris Stowe State University. 

     Educational philosophy: 

    I believe that each child is a unique individual who needs a secure, caring, and stimulating atmosphere in which to grow and mature emotionally, intellectually, physically, and socially. There are three elements that I believe are conducive to establishing such an environment:

     (1) the teacher acting as a guide

    (2) allowing the child's natural curiosity to direct his/her learning

    (3) Promoting respect for all things and all people

    Equally important to self-discovery is having the opportunity to study things that are meaningful and relevant to one's life and interests. Developing the Business Education curriculum around student interests, fosters intrinsic motivation and stimulates the passion to learn and to participate in dialog about local and world economic events.