• Grading Scale

    Grading Scale

    All grades will be posted on TYLER. You are strongly encouraged to check your scores in TYLER regularly. A final letter grade will be assigned based on percentages.

    Grading Scale

    90%- 100% = A

    84.5% - 89.5% = B+

    79.5% - 84.4% = B

    74.5% - 79.4% = C+

    69.5% - 74.4% = C

    64.5% - 69.4% = D+

    59.5% - 64.4% = D

    0% - 59.4% = F

    Students who fail to pass each term with a C or higher will have to follow the below guidelines. There are 4 terms in an academic school year.

    Failing one term will result in Academic Probation. Student must pass each term with a grade of C or higher.

    At the end of the first semester if the student has a grade of a C or higher. The student will no longer be on academic probation.

    If the student has failed semester one.

    Student will be on Academic Probation throughout the remainder of the current academic school year.

    If the student fails to have a passing grade of a C or higher by the end of the second semester.

    The student will be dismissed from the program.

    If the student has a grade of C or higher at the end of the second semester or if the student fails one out of two semesters.

    The student will receive conditional academic probation. The student will remain in the program.

    The student must type a 1 page essay expressing their struggles academically, how they plan to make changes in the next school year and why they want to become a Medical Assistant.

    Failure to do this will result in dismissal from the program.

    If the student fails to meet the academic standards described above. Student will not be permitted to take the certification exams offered during the Junior year of the program.

    Seniors who fail to meet the academic standards listed above. Will not be permitted to attend clinical internship and will not be permitted to test for the certification exams offered Senior year.

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