•  Welcome! I'm so glad you are here! 

     We will review them often in the beginning and as needed throughout the school year. 


    We will be using Whole Brain Teaching throughout the school year and we have 5 rules:

    1. Follow Directions Quickly

    2. Raise Your Hand for Permission to Speak

    3. Raise Your Hand for Permission to Leave Your Seat

    4. Make Smart Choices: Glorious Kindness,  Positive Leadership, Courage, Invincible Grit, Creativity

    5. Make Our Dear Team Stronger



    Technology Expectations:

    We will use our iPads every day. Here are some expectations for using technology in the classroom.

    Come to the virtual classroom ready to learn! This means:

    1. Fully charged iPad

    2. Headphones

    3. Be logged in doing assignments

    4. You may only be on school-approved  websites and  apps.

    5. Do not take videos or pictures of others without permission from the individual and the teacher in the room.

    6. Device use is for educational purposes.

    7. Respect the people and property around you.


    *** Remember making mistakes help us all learn and grow ***