• Mrs. Patricia Beverly

    Kindergarten Room 113  




    Dear Parents/Guardians:


    I will be your child's Kindergarten for the 2023-2024 school year. This year promises to be full of engaging activities and lessons that will foster your child's love of learning. I have listed our classroom expectations below:

    1. Respect yourself, others and property.
    2. Raise your hand to speak or leave the class.
    3. If face masks are required, we will keep them on in class.

    A homework calendar will be provided in the first week of each month. The calendar will list daily homework activities to be completed. The activities will reinforce skills taught and should not take more than 15 to 20 minutes to complete. Students will receive points for homework that is returned the following day.  Homework will be done every day but Fridays.

    Parent support is crucial for our success. If you need to contact us, please call 314-385-2522 ext 113 to discuss any concerns or questions or email Patricia.Beverly@slps.org and I will return your call during my planning period or respond to your email within 24 hours. Thank you for selecting Lexington Elementary School and we are looking forward to seeing you and your child on the first day of school. 







Degrees and Certifications:

Last Modified on September 22, 2023