• In room 217 we are Roaring  in reading.
    Name: Terry Blocker
    Email terry.blocker@slps.org
    Room Number(s): 215
    Subject(s): Special Education Resource Teacher 
    Building Phone: (314) 385-2522 ext 36215


    My name is Terry Blocker and I am a Special Education/ Resource Teacher at Lexington Elementary.  I have been with St. Louis Public Schools since 2001, first as a Library Assisyant and now as a certified teacher.  I decided to become a teacher because I want to help students to understand the joy and importance of learning.  I became a Special Education teacher because I really appreciated how they were supportive, passionate and an advocate about my son's education, when he was going through school and I wanted to be that for other students.  I hope that I am that kind of teacher for my students because I try to be everyday.

    I am also the mother of four adult children, one son and three daughters.  I have three AWESOME grandsons who are my heart.  In my free time I enjoy reading and shopping.

  • Dear Parents,

    We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your scholars to Special Education/Resource, room 215, with Mrs. Blocker (teacher) and Mr. Pabarue (Aide).  We hope to work very closely with you this year to ensure the success of your scholar.



    Your scholar will have homework Monday through Thursday evenings and it should be returned to school the next day.  In addition to the nightly homework, every night we ask that your scholar reads for 20 minutes and practices their basic math facts for 20 minutes.



    We will be covering every subject each day. The scholars will also meet with the art, music, or gym teacher each day. 



    It is very important that your scholar is present and on time each and everyday.  Good attendance makes for a successful scholar and school year.  If, for whatever reason, your scholar is absent, it is their responsibility to find out what he/she missed and return it as soon as possible.



    Terry Blocker, Special Education Teacher

    Mark Pabarue, Instructional Care Aide






    Lexington School PRIDE

    We use appropriate sites.

    We speak to each other respectfully.

    We stay on task and complete our work.

    We turn in the assignments on time.

    We participate in each subject area.


    Group Work

    Listen and follow all directions given (oral and written).

    Respect all members of your group.

    Do your job only!

    Complete the task in a timely manner.


    Classroom Expectations

    Be on time

    Be Prepared 


    Be Respectful and Responsible