• Our class will be conducted through your children's teachers team page.  Please refer to the calander for dates and times.

    Thank you. 

    My office hours are from 9:00-9:50am

  • 2

    Dear Parents,


    Due to classes being held virtual, we are going to have the students make Holiday wreaths for their lesson.


    Students will need the following:


    1. Wire hanger stretched into a circle. If you do not have a wire hanger you can also use regular wire twisted into a circle.
    2. Plastic Grocery bags (preferably white) or even a plastic trash bag will work too.
    3. Have the bags cut into strips, so your child can tie the strips onto the wire coat hanger.
    4. The following link is a How too video on how to create this wreath. https://youtu.be/L6v6-AEO4TA

    nd-5th Art Lesson



    Responding to Music-What Music Do We Select?

    Learning Target

    Learning targets are short term, student-friendly statements that clearly define what students should know and be able to do at the end of the lesson.


    Performance Tasks / Assessment 

    How will students demonstrate their learning? How will you know if they understand 

    concepts or can apply skills? Please provide links. 


    Multimedia Resource What resources will students need to master this content or learn these skills (readings, videos, podcasts, models)? Please provide links. 

    Instruction & Modeling What do you need to explain, present, facilitate, or model? 


    What instructional strategies will you use? What will students do to understand concepts or practice skills (practice, discussion, reflection, creation)? 


    Lesson 1 (Date)


    Weeks of

    November 30 - December 18 2020


    1.       Students will use the elements and principals of art for their design. Students will be able to elaborate on an imaginative idea. 

    2. Students will be able to apply knowledge of available resources, tools, and technologies to investigate personal ideas through the art-making process. 

    3.       Students will be able to determine messages communicated by an image. 




    Students will create a Plastic bag wreath. 

    They will need the following materials that can be found around the house.

    1. Wire hanger stretched into a circle. If you do not have a wire hanger you can also use regular wire twisted into a circle.
    2. Plastic Grocery bags (preferably white) or even a plastic trash bag will work too.
    3. Have the bags cut into strips, so your child can tie the strips onto the wire coat hanger.
    4. The following link is a How too video on how to create this wreath. https://youtu.be/L6v6-AEO4TA




    ·         Nearpod

    ·         Sketch book


    Seeing examples of other students works from previous years

    Brainstorm unique and creative ways to visually depict and promote those strategies.  

    Share ideas with other students or with class or small group and discuss. 

    Students will show their rendition of  how to create this wreath.



    Art projects will be assessed by rubrics, including criteria for craftsmanship, creativity/uniqueness, and interpretation of the theme. 

    Students pair of for peer critique.  Complete a TAG quick critique for their partner’s selected sketch. 

    § Tell a best point 

    § Ask a question 

    § Give a suggestion 



     How too video on how to create this wreath.


  • Lesson/Topic


    Responding to Music-What Music Do We Select?

    Learning Target

    Learning targets are short term, student-friendly statements that clearly define what students should know and be able to do at the end of the lesson.


    Performance Tasks / Assessment 

    How will students demonstrate their learning? How will you know if they understand 

    concepts or can apply skills? Please provide links. 


    Multimedia Resource What resources will students need to master this content or learn these skills (readings, videos, podcasts, models)? Please provide links. 

    Instruction & Modeling What do you need to explain, present, facilitate, or model? 


    What instructional strategies will you use? What will students do to understand concepts or practice skills (practice, discussion, reflection, creation)? 


    Lesson 1 (Date)


    Week of

    Aug. 31, 2020


    Students will identify colors, Primary and Secondary

    Students will determine how to use and choose between the elements of art and Principals of art for their projects.

    Students will be encouraged to color in their color books at home and practice on coloring in the lines and not to scribble.   

    What are shapes? What is color and how do we make it? 



    Today I am going to teach you how to: Identify colors, and I will model how to color and learn primary and secondary colors by showing examples of pictures and doing live demonstrations.



    ·         Nearpod

    Artist paintings showing examples of the use of elements of art.

    Brainstorm unique and creative ways to visually depict and promote those strategies.  

    Share student sketches with class or small group and discuss. 

    Students will show their rendition of color and shape identification 



    Art projects will be assessed by rubrics, including criteria for craftsmanship, creativity/uniqueness, and interpretation of the theme. 

    Students pair of for peer critique.  Complete a TAG quick critique for their partner’s selected sketch. 

    § Tell a best point 

    § Ask a question 

    § Give a suggestion 











Last Modified on January 16, 2024