
    Meet the Teacher


    Welcome to room 206! My name is Mrs. Megan Schmid and I am the 4th and 5th grade girls teacher at Woerner. I graduated from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville in 2017 with my degree in Elementary Education. This is my seventh year as a classroom teacher at Woerner, and I LOVE teaching math!

    In my classroom, I believe that it is important to have a strong sense of classroom community. Throughout the year I emphasize the fact that we are a family and like to do team-building activities with my class. I believe that each student should feel welcome, safe, and loved as soon as they walk through my door. 

    My Favorite Things



    Outside of school, I enjoy being with my family. In March of 2019, I had my first son, Benny.  In May of 2020, I had my second son, Alex. The grand finale, Evie, arrived January 2022. I love to watch movies with my husband, Ben, and cuddle with my kids. I have a dog named Dexter and he is a 15-year-old Westie mix. I love cooking, singing, and shopping. Chances are you can find me at a Target on any given day buying makeup, candles, and other smell-goods.  


    Contact Information

    Feel free to contact me via email. You can reach me at megan.schmid@slps.org. I will respond to your email as soon as possible. I look forward to hearing from you!



    Office Hours

    Monday- Friday 9:25am-10:15am and 12pm- 1pm