• Welcome Students and Families! 

    I am Mr. Davis, 1st Grade Teacher Extraordinaire.




    Welcome boys and girls! I am so happy to be your teacher! I cannot wait to meet you all. This year I will help build you into better readers, and little Math geniuses!

    I want us to have fun everyday, BUT the rule is we have to do our work first.



    This year I have the pleasure of leading the first graders to new academic heights.

    My teaching style is work hard, play hard. With some help from home, together we can encourage the students to push further than the comfort zones and be bold in their approach to learning. Bravery and hard-work will always be rewarded in my classroom, whether it is virtual or in person.





    I am from St. Louis, like many of my students. My background includes working in the education system with kindergarten, middle school, high school, some post-high school work, and even G.E.D programs. I encourage families to reach out to the school or to me if there is a way we can be of assistance in this time of need. I speak Spanish, and I speak French so hopefully language shouldnt be too big of a barrier.I 

    I am starting my 30's with a seven month old son, and a beagle. I like nature, and hopefully when we are back at school (physically) we can read books under a tree in the fresh air. Expression is important in my classroom, so my students can often be seen drawing, dancing, singing or engaging in healthy debates as long as it is school appropriate and does not conflict with what we are doing collectively to meet our daily objectives.



John Davis of Saint Louis Public Schools