Phone: (540) 907-3752


Degrees and Certifications:

Miss Jayln Relvas

Holiday Assistance: 

United Way's Holiday Assistance Program Application: 100 Neediest Cases

Please click the link below to apply for 100 Neediest Cases 

 100 Neediest Cases Application


Additional Resources:


St. Louis Foodbank:

Operation Food Search: Click here for Food Sites or text your zipcode to (785)503-3310 for a meal site near you


Mental Health Services:

24/7 Free Confidential Crisis Support by text: Text MOSAFE to 741741 or Call 800-273-8255.

BHR (Behavioral Health Response): offers confidential telephone counseling to people in mental health crises, as well as mobile outreach services, community referral services and critical incident stress management: (314)469-6644 or

United Way: Anyone in the St. Louis area can call 2-1-1 and press “1” to access a mental health professional. The service is free and fully staffed with trained counselors 24/7. The services can also be accessed by texting BHEARD to 31658.