Phone: 314-359-5617


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science (University of MO - Rolla/Missouri S&T) Math Certification 9-12 (Harris Stowe State University)

Ms. Sharon Lofton

Algebra 1 and EOC

Office hours:


I love working with SLPS students and I enjoy communicating and teaching ALL young people. I am an Engineering Manager by 1st career but Math Facilitator at HEART I am also a parent of a SLPS 2017 graduate of Soldan International High School, and a May 2021 Graduate of University of Missouri Saint Louis. I am super excited about having students back in the class room for "live" teaching. We have a lot of adjustments but we will be safe and give you the instructions that are needed to navigate our new normal.

Algebra 1 is one of my favorite subjects. It gives us a chance to see mathematics in the real-world and to explore our love for mathematics in our daily lives. Math is really more than just lines, slopes, and points. Let's have a outstanding year learning together.


Extracurrilular Activities:

UMSL Bridge Instructor

Afterschool Tutoring

Cheer Leading Coach

ESL liaison for African Immigrants