    Meet the Principal
     Tim Craig
    Email: Timothy.Craig@slps.org
    Phone: 314-771-3533

    Dear Froebel Elementary School Community,

    The 2024-2025 school year will mark my 10th year in education. Since graduating from Lindenwood University in 2015, I have served SLPS in a variety of roles. I was a physical education teacher for 6 years before becoming assistant principal for 2 years. The elementary principalship provides me the chance to work collaboratively with teachers on a daily basis, while also remaining connected to young students learning and growing in the classroom. I firmly believe that every child can excel and that the partnership between home and school builds confidence in students to use their powers to shape their future and the future of our community.

    My conversations with district staff and families over the last few months have brought me privileged insights into the core beliefs and values that underlie the Froebel School Community. With my goal of continuing the tradition of excellence here at Froebel Elementary School, I am committed to always exploring new ways to meet the needs of all students and to more effectively communicate with parents and community members. We will be meeting with parents, students, and as a staff throughout the year to identify specific goals in the areas of student achievement, school climate, and parent communication.

    Please know that my door is always open to you. I heartily welcome your conversation and positive input throughout this year. Let us always keep our students the primary focus of our work. I look forward to celebrating our collective successes during the 2024-2025 school year.

     You can also stay up-to-date by following us on social media: Froebel's Facebook Page, and Froebel's Instagram Page

    Enjoy the remaining days of summer


    Tim Craig

    Principal, Froebel Literacy Academy