

Degrees and Certifications:

Kendra Simpkins

Hello, I am Ms. Simpkins. This is my fifth year at Froebel Literacy Academy. I am excited about teaching preschool this school year.  I have 1 daughter named Journee. I believe no 2 children are the same. We all have our own unique learning style. It is important for us to find our own styles and understand them so we can be the best pupils we can be.   I also believe in incorporating reading at home. Reading at home, especially with family members, can encourage a love of reading and promotes growth in reading.  This year our preschoolers will continue learning with Three Cheers. Students will be grouped with other students of like ability, with smaller groups, so we can teach, and they can learn at a pace suitable for them.  Keep up the great work and keep our students reading at home too!



If you have any questions or concerns, I can be reached at (314)771-3533 or email me at  If you leave a message or email, I will be sure to get back to you within 24 hrs.