• Electronic Enrollment/Registration Forms (resumes August 1, 2022)

    Our student enrollment system is completely electronic. Here are the steps for enrolling a new KG - 5th grade student.

    1. Address verification to ensure your current home address is in Froebel's attendance zone.
      1. Contact the school secretary (Ms. Vickie As-Siyeed) - Phone: 314-771-3533 or Email: vickie.as-siyeed@slps.org .
      2. Provide the school secretary with your home address. 
      3. Once the school secretary verifies that your home address is in Froebel's attendance zone, go to the next step.
    2. Complete Electronic Enrollment/Registration Forms (sent via email from secretary after address verification).
      1. The school secretary will inform you of any other documents that need to be submitted.
    3. Email completed Electronic Enrollment/Registration Forms and requested documents: Froebel3709@gmail.com .

    Please Note - Before August, for registration of new pre-school students, please contact the SLPS Early Childhood Department. 



Degrees and Certifications: