• Education Luminaries Visit Miller, Speak to Students
    From left:  Anitra Arms, Local Union VP; James Shelton, US Deputy Secretary of  Education; Jaylen James, Miller Student; Michael Brown, Principal of Clyde C. Miller; Randi Weingarten, President of AFT National; Zecora Smith, Miller Student and Senior Class President; Jada Bell, Miller Student; Arne Duncan, US Secretary of Education; Nichaela Hoffman, Miller Student; Ryan Young, Miller Students and Senior Class Vice President; Angel Stevenson, Miller Student; Leonard Stewart, Jr., Miller Student; Davies Kenfack, Miller Student; Hermann Keys, Miller Student; Tina Gross, Miller Social Studies Teacher and Department Chair; Dr. Kelvin Adams, Superintendent of St. Louis Public Schools.
    Clyde C. Miller was honored to host a brief symposium on issues of youth and race in the aftermath of the Michael Brown case and the Ferguson protests.  It's fair to say our distinguished guests were impressed with the thoughtful discussion and the considered opinions of our students.  The meeting lasted for more than an hour and our student leaders made us proud.
    The students put a lot of effort into preparation...
    prep1  prep2
    ...that paid dividends as their keen observations and obvious knowledge of the subject impressed some important people.
    circle1  bell2
    young circle1  smith circle1
    Afterward there was time for a nosh, provided by our fine Culinary pathway.  That's Greg Palmer assisting Chef Wilson.
    chef and palmer  culinary group
    And yes, that's our Hospitality Pathway in there, too.  Professional. courteous and smooth as always.
    hospitality1 hospitality2  
    There was also time for rubbing elbows with people in position of power and getting some networking in.
    james bell duncan  smith young duncan
    students shelton  weingarten
    I think this last image sums it up.  Thank you to our guests for listening to our students, and thank you to our students for making yourselves so forcefully and skillfully heard!
    stewart thumbs up