Mr. Criveau  

     Office Hours: 


    Room Number: 154
    Subject(s): Introduction to Art, Drawing and Painting, AP Studio Drawing
    Building Phone: 314-371-0394  ext. 61154
    "My belief is that it is most important for an artist to develop an approach and philosophy about life- if he has developed this philosophy, he does not put paint on canvas, he puts himself on canvas" 

    --Jacob Lawrence (1917-2000)


    Greetings CA students both new and returning;


    Let us begin at the beginning. I was born in a naval hospital in Portsmouth, Virginia in 1973 to James and Clara Criveau. The son of an enlisted Navy electronics technician and a housewife, I am the product of the Norfolk Public School system…mostly. I say mostly because I completed my last three years of public schooling outside of Syracuse, New York where my mother moved with four children. From there I somehow (though exactly how I am not sure) racked up student loans putting myself through Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, where I received a Bachelor of Science degree in Art Education with certifications in secondary Art and English. Upon receiving my degree and certifications in 1999, I immediately joined the St. Louis Public Schools and have been with the Clyde C. Miller Career Academy ever since.

                  That brings us to the present, and your role in it. You are the most important part of this journey that we are on, and it is through you that our future will be constructed. I am a firm believer that you are humanity’s most precious resource. As my parent’s generation had to pass the torch of the world to my generation, so we shall have to pass it on to you. This is why I will do everything I can to prepare you for this event. I may not always be the gentlest of teachers, but please believe me when I say that I recognize that you do possess greatness, and I will do everything in my power to foster that.