•    Ms. Rolanda Gladen

        Welcome Video                                           

      Rolanda Gladen  Emblem

    Name: Rolanda Gladen
    Office Hours:   Monday's, Wednesday's, & alternate Friday's 8:00am-8:45am
    Room Number(s):  147, 149, 165, 228, & 259 (Homeroom)
    Subject(s): Social Studies (American History/World History/American Government) and Career Technical Education (Career Exploration)
    Building Phone: 314-371-0394 ext. 61259
    Teacher Message: As a special education teacher, I believe that each student is a unique individual
    who needs a secure, caring, and stimulating atmosphere in which to grow and mature emotionally,
    intellectually, physically, and socially.  It is my desire as an educator to help students meet their
    fullest potential in these areas by providing an environment that is safe and invites a sharing of ideas. 
    Every classroom presents a certain community of learners that varies not only in abilities, but also in
    learning styles. My role as a teacher is to give my students a base with which to cultivate their own
    gardens of knowledge.
    Biography: I am a proud product of the Saint Louis Public School system.  I've graduated from
    Roosevelt High School, then proceeded to Missouri Southern State University to attain my
    bachelor's degree, and later received my master's degree at the University of Missouri Saint Louis.
     2019 EF Educational Tour to Athens, Greece and Rome, Italy. (Pictured Below)
    Rolanda Gladen                  Ms. Gladen's Memoji