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  • Main objectives of this course. Students will be able to:

    1. Pass the immigration and nationalization test. - Civics test - requirement for high school diploma

    2. Students will understand the internal growth of the United States during the period of 1850s-to the preent

    3. Students will understand the conditions that led to Industrial expansion, technology boom, and environment concerns

    4. Students will understand the changes in cities and politics during the period known as the Gilded Age to the present 

    5. Immigration and Urban Life, 1870- to the present

    6. Students will understand the role of the United States as a World Power from 1890- to the present

    7. Students will understand the causes and reasons for US involvement in World Wars

    8.Students will understand the economic, political and social changes that occurred between 1920- to the present.

    9. Students will udnerstand the role of the government and how it has changed form 1850s to present