• St. Louis Public Schools K-12 Online Learning Program (EDMENTUM)

    St. Louis Public Schools (SLPS) will offer online courses to students as virtual instruction can be an effective education option for students. SLPS will accept all grades and credits earned through SLPS-sponsored virtual instruction.

    Students are required to obtain SLPS course enrollment approval as described in this policy to receive funding for the course. In the event that approval for courses is not sought and/or obtained, and parents choose to pay for courses, SLPS advises parents to meet with the principal or designee prior to enrollment to ensure courses are consistent with the student’s academic plan.

    St. Louis Public Schools is not required to provide students access or fund courses beyond the equivalent of those courses needed to obtain full-time enrollment. In addition, SLPS is not responsible for technology associated with the program.  SLPS will provide supervision for students enrolled in site-based SLPS facilities but does not provide supervision for students enrolled in virtual courses offsite.

    All students enrolled in online courses are subject to SLPS policies, procedures and rules applicable to students enrolled in traditional courses including, but not limited to, the SLPS Student Code of Conduct and prohibitions on academic dishonesty, discrimination, harassment, bullying and cyberbullying.

    The St. Louis Public Schools Online Learning Program provided a convenient and flexible way to address student needs in the areas credit recovery, alternative education, homebound, special education, scheduling conflicts, courses not offered by St. Louis Public Schools and students not currently served by SLPS. Full time online students and parents are required to participate in 1-3 face to face meetings each week with the Online Learning teachers at the SLPS Online Learning Centers. Part-time Online High School students are required to attend the designated computer lab after school in their home high school a minimum of 4 hours per week. Parents are required to attend 2 parent meetings per semester. Parent workshops are conducted bi-monthly.
    For more information, please contact virtual school via email at: charlie.bean@slps.org Phone 314-345-4424 or wanda.garner@slps.org Phone 314-345-4470
    1. To address the needs of families currently served by SLPS.
    2. To attract families back to SLPS that have left SLPS.                                                 
    3. To attract families to SLPS that are not currently served by SLPS.

     The St. Louis Public School K-12 Online Learning Program will provide a convenient and flexible way to address student needs in the areas of: 

    • Credit recovery
    • Alternative Education
    • Homebound
    • Homeschool
    • Special Education
    • Dropout Prevention
    • Teen Parents
    • ESOL
    • Students not currently served by SLPS


    How do I enroll?

    Parents or school officials may complete the Online Learning Program enrollment form at their school site or SLPS central office location. 

    Who can enroll in SLPSVSP cources?

    SLPS students grade K-12 are wligible for enrollment. Students may enroll part-time or full-time. Student are required to have enrolled in a Missouri public school the prior semester. 

    What courses are offered?

    For a detailed listing of elementary, middle and high school courses offered, please call the Online Learning Couselor (Wanda Garner 314-345-4470)

    What tests are required of this program? 

    In addition to the K-12 lesson and the unit and semester assessments, students take required district and state formal assessments.

    Is curriculum provided for special needs children?

    Depending on the IEP, the curriculum can be tailored to meet specific needs.

    How are grades reported to SLPS schools?

    Virtual School Program Faciliators will verify completion and contact the school counselor. 

    Can SPED students enroll in the Online Learning Program?

    Yes, with approval from the student's IEP committee. 

    Can a school use the Online Learning Program to supplement cources not offered by the school?

    Yes, with the Network Superintendent and Chief Academic Officer's written approval.

    Will this program intrude into students’ homes?

    There are no home visits as part of the program and there are no cameras or any other intrusions into the homes of students.  Teachers conference with parents and students once a week.

    Where can I complete Online courses?

    • Gateway STEM - South Location
    • Roosevelt - South Location
    • Sumner - North Location
    • Vashon - Central Location
    • Dropout Prevention - Downtown