• Parents/Guardians,

       I'd like to tell you a little about myself. I received my teaching degree from the University of Central Florida in 1986. I taught for three years before moving back home to Arkansas in 1989. While in Arkansas, I taught grades 1-6 over twenty-three years. I also taught an "AT Risk" class for students with severe discipline issues that kept them from being able to be in a regular classroom. During that time, I also obtained my Master's Degree in Elementary Education and became certified in English as a Second Language (ESL). In 2012, my husband and I moved to Missouri, where I was blessed to receive a teaching position at Dewey. This will be my thirteenth year at Dewey, where I have taught grades four, five and six. Most of my time has been teaching 5th grade. I am currently certified to teach Pre-school through 6th grade. My total years of teaching is over 30 years.

        My husband and I have 5 adult children and five grandchildren. I don't get to see them very much because all of my family is still in Arkansas.   During my free time I enjoy reading. My favorite genres are fiction and biographies. I also enjoy doing jigsaw puzzles (1000–1500 pieces is my limit). I enjoy traveling, but I don't get to do that very often.

      I am looking forward to meeting and working with all of you to make this year the best for your child. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. My contact information is listed below.

    Email: carla.wilder@slps.org. This is the fastest way to contact me. I check my email frequently during the day.

    Cell phone: 314-620-4513. Please feel free to call me at home. I turn my phone off at 8:00pm. If you call after that time, you will need to leave a message and I will call you the next morning. If you leave a message or text, please make sure you leave your name. I do not answer or return calls from numbers and names I do not recognize.

    During the school day I am not always able to answer my phone or check for messages. If I don't answer, and you need to speak with me or your child, please call the office and they will relay your message to me. I will always try to respond to you as soon as possible.

    Dewey's phone number: 314-645-4845.

    You can always send messages to me in your child's planner. The planner will go home each night, initialed by me and then returned, signed by you the next day. This is a great way for us to communicate on a daily basis.

     Meet my family...


