• Classroom and School Rules:

    Be safe

    Be Respectful

    Be Responsible

    Be a Problem Solver

    Never interfere with learning


    Classroom Expectations:

    Have materials for school and be ready to work.

    Ipads should be at school every day.

    Ipads should also be charged at 100% at the beginning of each day.

    Ask questions when needing clarification.

    Return Friday folder signed each Monday.

    Return planner each day with parents' signature.

    Raise your hand to speak or get out of your seat.

    Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

    Be kind and honest.


    Hallway Expectations

    Do not skip steps (going up or down).

    Touch each step with your foot as you go up and down the stairs.

    Do not slide down the banister.

    Keep one hand on the rail at all times.

    Do not play on the stairs.


    Closet Expectations

    Only one student in the closet at a time.

    Put your coat and backpack on your hook.

    Touch only your things.

    Make sure your cell phone is turned OFF.

    Give your cell phone to your teacher to lock up for the day.

    Do not put items on the shelf.

    Get everything you need while you are in the closet in the morning. If you have to go back in during the day, you will have a consequence for not following the morning procedures.