•  Ms. Lato
    Name: Ms. Rachel Lato
    Meet with me: Click here
    Teams Link: Lato's Team Page
    Room Number(s): 103
    Subject(s): 4th grade
    Building Phone:  314-645-4845
     Hello, my name is Rachel Lato.  This is my eighth year here at Dewey
    and my second year teaching 5th grade. Science is my absolute favorite
    subject and I can't wait to do some amazing experiments together. 
    I am excited to share my love of science and social studies with you and
    I can't wait for us to learn and grow together.
    I graduated from Harris-Stowe State University with a degree in
    Elementary Education and a minor in Physical Education. 
    I grew up in St. Louis and I am so happy to be teaching in this amazing city. 
    When I am not teaching, I love spending time with friends and family, taking
    my dog, Alkatraz, for walks, and baking and decorating fabulous cakes.
    I love being outdoors and playing any sport you can think of.

    I can't wait for another amazing year with all of you.  We are going

    to learn so many new things this year and I can't wait to get started!

     This link will take you to our class Teams page:
     To log onto Microsoft Teams go to Portal.office.com
    1. Use the username to “log on” (example: rlato1234@slps.org *note it’s different than the email)
    2. It will take you to a secondary log in-do the same as step 1
    3. It will take you to a page that will show multiple apps-Teams is the one we will be using. 
    4. Don’t hesitate to contact me with questions if you need help!


    Office Hours: Parents or students may use the link to schedule an appointment with me.

    Click Me to Schedule

    Day of the Week




    See you online!

    Ms. Lato

    Some websites that we use in class and you can use at home: Check out the links
    on my websites tab under virtual learning! 
    Reading A-Z: kidsa-z.com 
    Epic(reading): getepic.com/signin
    Mystery Science: mysteryscience.com
    Generation Genius(science): Generationgenius.com
Last Modified on August 8, 2023