Stayign Home

When will the nurse most likely send your child home?

  • Through the requirements and guidelines of the Missouri Department of Health and the St. Louis City Department of Health, under the State Health Law 167.191, students will be excluded for the following:


    1. COVID-19 Symptoms (Returning to school varies in different cases, see COVID tab)
    2. Temperature above 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit (must be under 100 for 24 hours without the use of medication)
    3. Rash (must have a note from a doctor stating the student is not contagious)
    4. Vomiting or diarrhea (must be without for 24 hours and following a normal diet)
    5. Pink Eye (must have a note from the doctor and treatment with antibiotics for 24 hours)
    6. Head Lice (absence of lice after treatment and must accompany the nurse to be checked before school)
    7. Ringworm (must have a doctor note and medical treatment for 24 hours)
    8. Pertussis /Whooping cough (must have a doctor note and medical treatment for 5 days)
    9. Strep throat (must have a doctor note and medical treatment for 24 hours)
    10. Scabies (must have a doctor note and medical treatment for 24 hours)
    11. Chickenpox (must have a doctor note and all blisters are dried)
    12. Hand, Foot & Mouth (must have a doctor note and fever free for 24 hours)
    13. Impetigo (must have a doctor note and medical treatment for 24 hours)


    If your student is experiencing any of these, please keep them home until you have met the guidelines to send them back to school.  The only conditions where a student does NOT need a doctor note are fever, vomiting and diarrhea.


    Please try to arrange to give any medication at home.  If medication must be given during school hours, please contact the school nurse to make appropriate arrangements.

    If you have any questions, please contact the school nurse at 314-283-5410

    Thank you!

    Nurse Wilford