resource 1


  • Hang on Parents! In order to access your students' Microsoft Teams Page you will need to do the following:

    1. log on to

    2. You will then be directed to a page that looks like this Sign In Page

    3. On this page, you will enter your student ACCOUNT ID adding to that account ID.  For example,

    4. You will enter the password provided to you for your student.

    5. You will be directed to save, we suggest you save it on your device.

    6.  Next, you will see your students' name and a series of prompts.

    7. Once you are in the site, you will see something like this. 


    Microsoft Office has pretty new icons but they have a fatal flaw ...

    8. You will choose the Teams icon, marked with a T and 2 people.

    9. In some cases, it may look like it is starting over, but no worries, it wil load for you.