
    MASON SCHOOL 2021-2022

    Parent-School Compact

    School Responsibilities

    Mason School of Academic and Cultural Literacy and its staff will:

    1. Provide high quality curriculum and rigorous instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables the participating children to meet the State’s student academic achievement standards as follows:
      1. Employ highly qualified employees in all staff positions.
      2. Give teachers and other support staff the best Professional Development programs designed to increase instructional strategies and student achievement, and
      3. Create and maintain the school as a safe and positive learning environment.
    2. Hold parent/guardian-parent conferences to
      1. Discuss each student’s academic and social progress.
      2. Discuss this compact with each parent and how it’s measures will assist each student to achieve, and
      3. Conduct two Parent/Teacher Conferences at the close of the first ten weeks and the end of the Third Quarter to discuss each student’s progress and future challenges.
    3. Provide parents/guardians with frequent reports on their child’s progress.  Specifically, the school will provide report as follows:
      1. Each teacher will communicate to the parent/guardians via newsletter, emails and Parent Portal.
      2. Progress reports will be sent home every 5 weeks.
      3. Student report cards will be sent home every 10 weeks.
    4. Provide parent/guardians reasonable access to staff through-
      1. Scheduled meetings during planning times, and before/after school schedule via telephone, email, or personal contact.
    5. Once approved by the STL office of Volunteers parents/guardians will be provided with opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s class and to observe classroom activities, as follows:
      1. Participate as a member of the Mason Parent Group (P.T.O.).
      2. Participate as a community access in such activities as field trips, family night events, school sponsored programs, classroom parties or awards programs.
    6. Parents will support classroom instruction by:
      1. Read to their children at least 15-20 minutes per day
      2. Volunteer (as approved STL volunteer) by helping classroom activities as needed with programs, parties, field trips and other school related activities.
      3. Provide updated household information for emergencies; complete Parent Portal information
      4. Attend annual Title I meetings and attend two or more scheduled P.T.O. meeting and/or family nights.
    7. We, as parents/guardians, will support our children’s learning in the following ways:
      1. Send my child to school prepared to learn.
      2. Review my child’s homework and provide a designated space and tools to complete assignments.
      3. Participate in decisions relating to my child’s education
      4. Serving, to extent as possible, on policy advisory groups, being the Title I, Part A parent/guardian representative on the Mason School’s School Improvement Team, the Title I Policy Advisory Committee, the District Wide Policy Advisory Council, the State’s Committee of Practitioners, the School Support Team or other school advisory or policy groups.


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    Principal                                                                                         Date

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    Parent                                                                                             Date