• Welcome! I'm so glad you are here! 

     Classroom Agreement

        We are respectful of people, nature, and things.

        We are responsible for all we say and do.

        We are peaceful with our words and actions.

        We are enthusiastic learners who are not afraid to ask questions. 

        We strive for excellence and always grow as learners. 


    To guide and support instruction


    We will be using Whole Brain Teaching throughout the school year and we have 6 rules:

    1. Follow Directions Quickly

    2. Raise Your Hand for Permission to Speak

    3. Raise Your Hand for Permission to Leave Your Seat or Class

    4. Make Smart Choices: Glorious Kindness,  Positive Leadership, Courage, Invincible Grit, Creativity

    5. Make Our Dear Team Stronger

    Diamond Rule: Keep Your Eyes on the Target


    Virtual Classroom Expectations:

    Come to the virtual classroom ready to learn! This means:

    1.  Fully charged iPad

    2.  Headphones

    3.  Dressed for school- uniform not required, but you should be wearing clothes that are meant to be seen in public

    4.  Be in your learning spot

    5.  Completed classwork ready for the next steps

    6.  Cameras on

    7.  Mics muted

    8.  Show respect to all 

    9.  Ask questions when needed

    10. Work through struggles = We got this!


    *** Remember making mistakes helps us all learn and grow ***