

Degrees and Certifications:

Miss Sherrie Combs

 Mwalimu Combs

I am so excited about teaching your child this year. I will be teaching your child Reading, English Language, and Math. Science, and Social Studies through reading and more

This will be my eighth year at Bertha Knox Gilkey Preparatory Academy at Cole. I earned my Bachelor's degree in Education at Harris-Stowe State College. I completed my Master's degree in Special Education at Fontbonne University.

Throughout the years I have had a strong parent-teacher relationship, at any time you have any questions feel free to contact me via email at or by phone a 618 - 972-4869.

I am excited to start this journey of learning with your child and you!  I look forward to working with them to see the progress in their learning. 


Dear Students,

      The school year has passed so very quickly. This has been quite a journey. You have worked so hard and have made so much progress last year. I have watched you all learn and grow from day to day.

 I hope that over the summer you stayed healthy, safe and continue learning on your own. It is important for you to keep your skills sharp for 2021-2022 school year. I will provide some ideas and links for you to access and explore.

 Keep checking the school website and your teacher page for interesting books to read and fun activities for the school year.