• Habari gani Wazazi (What's the news, Parents)?

     My name is Angela Lawuary.  Our children/students call me Mama Angela or Mwalimu Angela (Mwalimu means "teacher."). I am the Family & Community Specialist (FCS) at Gilkey Pamoja Cole.  The purpose of my position is to work with you to help create and maintain a positive learning environment at school and home that prepares our children/students to succeed in school and in life.

    This is my fourth year as the FCS, here at Pamoja. My last few years here have been great and we get better and better every year.  

    My son is a 5th grade student here at Pamoja, and has been since pre-school. Before becoming the FCS, I volunteered at Pamoja and fell in love with the vision, mission, goals, and objectives of the school and wanted to become a great asset to fulfilling the mission to becoming an African-Centered learning institution.  SO, here I am!!!!

     I love that Pamoja understands that our work is bigger than children learning subjects like reading, writing, and math.  The administration and staff of Pamoja, understand many of the challenges that our children and communities face and work diligently to create a space that allows our families to be confident and happy with who they are and restore a sense of culture, in not only our families, but the community at large.

    To new parents, I say WELCOME! I look forward to meeting you in our Parent Interview.  To those who have already completed Parent Interview, I say Thank you! Feedback so far suggests that our Parent Interview process is an important step toward fulfilling our school's Vision, Mission and Goal!

    To returning parents, I say WELCOME BACK! I look forward to seeing you at the CMM(PTO) meetings as well. CMM is the abbreviation for Chama cha Mwalimu na Mwazazi, which is Swahili for Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). 

    We are headed for great things this year as we continue to work together to create what we need for all of our students to thrive!

    Please attend as many meetings as you can!!! It can’t be expressed enough on how important parent feedback and opinions are to us.  


    As always, if you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to stop in the Main Office, call 314-533-0894, or email Angela.Lawuary@slps.org.  I am at your service.

    I am excited about this school year and our coming accomplishments.

     Pamoja Tutashinda (Together We Will Win)!

     Mama Angela, Family & Community Specialist

    Bertha Knox Gilkey Pamoja Preparatory Academy @ Cole