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Gateway MST Elementary/Gateway Michael Elementary
School Parent and Family Engagement Policy
Gateway Elementary School recognizes that parents/guardian(s), families, schools, and the community share the responsibility for the education of our children. Creating positive home, school, and community/partnerships is essential to carrying out this shared responsibility successfully. Collaboration between all school personnel and parents/guardians is essential to support student learning. School personnel encourages and involve parents/guardians by providing a variety of opportunities for involvement, while recognizing and respecting the diverse needs of families in their community.
Strategies for Involvement
- Gateway Elementary will host PTO, F.A.C.E. and special activities/programs such as Smart & Secure (parents and students are taught about healthy living) to encourage parents to participate and have input in the family engagement planning and school-wide planning. The school will also send out flyers, newsletters, do robo calls, and hold parent meetings or meetings by grade level monthly for those parents not attending traditional meetings.
- Gateway Elementary will hold an annual Title I meeting to be held by September 10th to inform parents of Gateway Elementary’s participation in Title I programs. We will explain all of the Title I mandates including: Parent’s Right to Know, Every Student Succeeds Act, Complaint Resolution Procedures, and the Title I Parental Involvement Plan. Our Principal, Dr. Rose Howard, and Family and Community Specialist, LaCrissa Mays-Rayford, will host this meeting. We will conduct a second Title I meeting in the second semester for families to receive the same information.
- Gateway Elementary will hold PTO meetings on the second (2nd) Wednesday of every month. Involved parents along with any participating school staff will share ideas and collaborate for school improvement. The PTO will assist the Principal with all fundraising efforts. All funds raised from fundraising efforts will in return be used as needed for school/building improvements not covered by already allocated funds.
- Gateway Elementary will provide parents an opportunity to participate in the evaluating, revising, and/or amending of the Parent Involvement Plan and the Three-Way Compact. These meetings will be held in the month of March of each school year and our Principal, Dr. Rose
- Howard, and Family and Community Specialist, LaCrissa Mays-Rayford, will host these meetings. Prior to these meetings, parents and stakeholders will receive the current plans and all updated Title I mandates to review.
- Parents will have access to a Parent Resource Room by appointment to utilize computers to fill out applications, create resumes or receive additional assistance from Family Community Specialist.
- Parents that register for the Parent Portal will have round the clock access to their students’ grades and any comments from teachers.
Shared Responsibilities for High Student Achievement
Gateway Elementary administration will work toward retaining highly qualified principal and teachers for all classrooms; provide instruction, materials, and high quality professional development, which incorporates the latest research. Gateway MST Elementary will maintain a safe and positive climate, and encourage frequent communication between home, school and students, by doing the following:
- Prepare a yearly assessment folder for each student with a list of homework, work examples, and test data.
- Explain instructional goals and grading system to parents.
- Maintain a safe and positive school climate.
- Communicate and collaborate with parents to ensure each child achieves his/her best.
- Participate in professional development to improve teaching skills and broaden knowledge so that teachers can be the best.
- Students in Grades 4 and 5 will present data to parents during Parent-Teacher Conferences.
- Hold annual meetings to inform parents of their school’s participation in Title 1, explain Title 1 requirements, and explain parent’s right to be involved.
Hold annual Parent-Teacher Conferences to:
- Discuss the child’s progress/grade during the quarter.
- Discuss this compact as it relates to the child’s achievement.
- Examine the child’s achievement and any pending options at the end of the third quarter.
Provide parents with frequent reports on their child’s progress as follow:
- Give each child a homework and behavior notice to take home.
- Monthly suggestions from the classroom teacher.
Be accessible to parents through:
- Phone calls, letters, email, parent portal or person-to-person meetings.
- Scheduling one-on-one meetings with parents before and after school.
- Scheduling school or home visits.
Provide parents opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s class, and observe classroom activities as follows:
- Listen to children read aloud or read to class.
- Help with classroom activities and projects, etc.
- Present a program on culture, a different country, etc.
- Assist with holiday programs or parties, educational trips, etc.
- Volunteer each quarter at your child’s school.
Family and Community Specialist will disseminate the newsletters/calendars to staff to pass on to
their respective students.
- Gateway Elementary teachers will have high expectations for all students; they will assign homework daily and provide information for student achievement.
- Gateway Elementary parents will talk to their children about activities each day; help their children resolve conflicts in a positive non-violent way; foster high regards for academic achievement; seek information regarding their children’s progress by conferring with the teacher; attend parent-teacher conferences and all other meetings concerning the progress of their children, and encourage their children to follow all school rules and regulations.
- Gateway Elementary students will attend school every day unless they are ill; believe that they will learn; complete assignments and return homework on time; accept responsibility for their actions; listen well in class and follow directions; and, do whatever it takes to be a successful student.
Expanding Opportunities for Parental Involvement
Gateway Elementary Parent Involvement Plan, established in collaboration with parents, includes programs and practices that will enhance parental involvement and reflects the specific needs of students and their families. The Parental Involvement Plan involves the parent in a variety of roles. The plan recognizes that communication between home and school should be regular, two-way, and meaningful. To encourage this communication, Gateway Elementary has a Family and Community Specialist onsite so parents can receive all information needed. Mrs. LaCrissa Mays-Rayford's office is located on first floor near the main office and she is available Monday- Friday 8:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. to answer any questions you may have regarding parental involvement in the building.
It is the goal of Gateway Elementary to assure an ongoing partnership between families, communities, and the school. We believe such a partnership is fundamental to the academic and social success of students. From this partnership a support will evolve that will have a positive effect on student achievement and will produce a sense of cooperative responsibility in ensuring excellence in the educational process.
Parent Signature__________________________________________Date_______________________
Principal Signature_____________________________________Date_______________________