

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Malia Bradbury

Hi! My name is Ms. Malia Bradbury, and I’m so excited to welcome you and your child to fourth grade! I am looking forward to seeing students challenge themselves to learn and grow this year. Let’s communicate throughout the 2024-2025 school year to ensure your child’s success!

Before we embark on this journey together, here’s some info about myself and our classroom.

This is my 7th year teaching, and it’s my third year at Gateway! I have taught third and fourth grade at Gateway, and before that, I spent my first four years teaching second and third grade in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. In 2018, I graduated from Michigan State University. I grew up in a small town in Michigan, which makes it extra exciting to live in St. Louis - we have so much to do here!

Our class will use Class Dojo to communicate and track student behavior. I will post daily about any assigned homework, as well as important events and updates. This is also the best way to message me. Please make sure Gateway and/or myself have the correct phone number and email address for you at the beginning of the school year, which I will use to send out our Class Dojo invite.


Ms. Malia Bradbury -

314-241-8255 (school)