

Degrees and Certifications:

Dr. Cheryl A. Ray


Room:  204

Office Hours:  Tuesday 8:30 am -3:30 pm; Thursday 8:30 am – 3:30 pm; Friday 12:30pm  -3:30pm


Phone:  314-231-7738

Welcome to a new school year!  Although, we are all experiencing a new "normal" with the Pandemic of Coronavirus, we are going to forge through it with excitement, vigor and nothing but positive energy.  I have been assigned to Innovative Concept Academy for eleven years.

My responsibility as a School Social Worker is to provide a vital link among the school, home and community.  This involves providing direct services to all students and their families including casework, group work, addressing crisis interventions and making referreals to community agencies.  Additionally, consultation with teachers and administrators and frequent participation on teams within the schools is also a vital link to support student services.

School Social Workers service students and their families for many diffeent reasons.  Several of these include:  attendance reefrreals, family dysfunction, behavioral concerns, mental health issues, substance abuse, child abuse/neglect, life-threatening behaviors, economic deprivation, special education assessment, inadequate health care and lack of understanding of school policies and procedures.  We also provide advocacy for the child or family and are a link to community resources as well


Favorite Quote

"Good better, best, never let it rest, until your good is better and your better is best"

Tim Duncan.  

  • How Are You Feeling? 

    Check out these short videos, (no more than 4 minutes each) and listen to what mindfulness can do to help you when you are feeling under pressure. 

    What is Mindfulness (2:41 minutes)         

     Attention:        Long Story Shortz – What is Mindfulness

    Kobe Bryant –Lesson 1, Mindfulness Basics (3:35 minutes)               MindfulnessWOBorders

    Long Story Shortz – What is Mindfulness (4:22 minutes)                   YouTube –Long StoryShortz


    What Do You Need?

    UnitedWay 211:  assistance with utilities and food:  call 2-1-1 or



    BHR:     Emotional Support and Mental Health Referrals: (314) 469-6644 or (800) 811-4760

                  24 hours mental health assessment and services


    Centervention:  Social-emotional learning programs feelings- for -kids/


    Legal Services of Eastern Missouri:  how to apply for unemployment:


    Pandemic SNAP/EBT info:


    Ameren:  COVID-19 Relief Fund if you are facing financial hardship because of COVID-!9


    Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services COVID Line (general questions about COVID not specific to STL):  877-435-8411


    StrayRescue is opening its doors as a pet food pantry, providing a bag of pet food for anyone in need. 


    The Missouri Child Abuse/Neglect Hotline is available to report any suspicions of child abuse or neglect.  Call 800-392-3738


    The National Child Traumatic Stress Network has resources for helping children and families cope with social distancing and to prevent panic.  NCTSN’s parent/caregiver to help families cope with COVID-19 is available here.



    Virtual Learning Technology Platforms & Information Systems

                  St, Louis Public Schools utilizes three core platforms for virtual learning:

    • School/teacher websites for public information
    • Microsoft Teams for video conferencing, assignments, and collaboration
    • Tyler SIS – Parent Portal for secure student information including: demographic data, grades, attendance, behavior, and contact information


    Technology Support

                  For technology-related issues on District devices, contact the Technology Help Desk at



    Operation Food Search

         (Go to this wevsite to see the meal sites in your area

                  Food resources              (314) 726-9945


    Emotional Support

                  SLPS has provided a direct line for students and parents to receive emotional support.

    314-345-6900 or email