education sign

Supporting your child's education



    ♦ READ, READ, READ with your child at least 15 minutes each day

    ♦ talk about what you read together

    ♦ encourage your child to answer/talk in complete sentences

    ♦ give your child simple chores/responsibilities

    ♦ play with playdough to improve fine motor skills

    ♦ practice cutting with scissors

    ♦ label things in your house to help your child make a connection between letters and words

    ♦ read signs when you are out and about together

    ♦ practice counting items

    ♦ use a deck of cards to compare numbers or sort by suit and number

    ♦ ensure your child gets plenty of rest

    ♦ make sure your child is prepared for school (this can be stressful to young children)

Last Modified on July 29, 2014