

Degrees and Certifications:

Miss Lauren Mueller

My name is Lauren Mueller, and I am the school social worker for Woodward Career Academy. Although this is my first year at Woodward, I am excited to announce that I am in the building full-time and will be working diligently to build relationships with the students, faculty, and families of students.
What does the school social worker do?

School Social Workers work with students and parents and teachers to nurture success. A major goal is to help reduce and ideally eliminate, problems and obstacles that interfere with a student's learning. School Social Workers provide a vital link between the school, the home, and the community. School Social Workers are involved in providing services to all students. They provide direct services to students and their families, including casework, group work, as well as providing crisis intervention, consultation and making referrals to community agencies. School Social Workers consult with teachers and administrators and frequently participate in teams within the schools. School Social Workers work with students and families for many different reasons. Several of these reasons include: social & emotional support, family issues, behavior concerns, mental health conditions, child abuse/neglect, substance abuse, life-threatening behaviors, economic deprivation, special education assessments, truancy concerns, inadequate health care & accessing basic needs. We also help our families understand school policies and procedures. School Social Workers provide advocacy for the child/family and are an important link to community resources as well.

Mindfulness Moment for Students: Https://
Mindfulness Moment for Adults: Https://