• Woodward Career Academy

    School-Parent Compact 2024-25

    (Pre-K through 5th)


    Woodward Career Academy Staff and the parents of students participating in Title 1 activities, services, and programs agree that this compact outlines how the entire school staff, parents, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement.


    School Responsibilities

    Woodward Career Academy staff will:

    • Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables students to meet the Missouri Learning Standards as follows:

    1.  Retain a highly qualified principal and staff.

    2.  Provide instruction, materials and provide Professional Development for all staff.

    3.  Maintain a safe and positive school environment.  Deploy the policy of zero tolerance toward “bullying”.

    • Conduct parent-teacher conferences to:

    1.  Discuss student progress/grades twice a year.

    2.  Discuss this compact as it relates to a student’s academic achievement.

    • Provide parents with frequent reports on student’s progress as follows.

    1.  Periodic at home learning recommendations to increase learning at home.

    2.  Mid-quarter reports sent home from teacher.

    3.  Quarterly grade cards/reports sent home by the school.

    4.  In the event of “virtual learning”, we will provide packets for students accessible to parents through:

         a) Phone calls, email, text, Class Dojo, school website, or person-to-person   


         b) Scheduled consultation before, during or after school hours.

    • Provide parents opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s class, and to observe classroom activities as follows:

    1. Provide parents with monthly Very Involved Parents (VIP) meetings to be held on the 1st Tuesday of each month.

    2. Provide parents with information about parent volunteer opportunities.

    3. Provide parents with approved SLPS District Office expectations of student’s participation virtual learning, by either parental choice or inclement weather.


    Parent Responsibilities

    I, as a parent, will support my child’s academic achievement in the following ways:

    1. Make sure my child attends school on time every day if possible.
    2. Review and discuss homework assigned daily.
    3. Monitor the amount of television, computer, and games daily; and monitor my child’s reading for 30 minutes each day.
    4. I Communicate with my child’s teacher on a regular basis.
    5. Make sure students are online when virtual learning is necessary.



    Student Responsibilities

    I, as a student, will take responsibility for improving my academic achievement to meet the

    Missouri Learning Standards and will:

    1. Attend school on time every day if possible.
    2. Demonstrate a good character and positive attitude daily.
    3. Review and discuss homework assignments with my parents.
    4. Read at least 30 minutes every day with my parents.
    5. Discuss all notices, fliers, and reports sent home to my parents.
    6. Log-in and participate during Virtual learning when necessary.


    Note: Please keep this document for your records.


    • Please sign the Acknowledgment Form below and return to school with your child.



    please cut and return


    School-Parent Compact 2023-24

    Acknowledgement Form

    (Pre-K through 5th)



    Parent/Guardian Signature ________________________________­­­­­___________       Date ___________


    Teacher Signature ___________________________________________________     Date ___________


    Principal Signature ___________________________________________________    Date ___________




    Distribution method of Engagement Policy: (check all that apply)

    • Bulletin Board
    • Email
    • Newsletter
    • Posted (Class Dojo, Peachjar, Remind, etc.)
    • School Website