• Welcome from Ms. T. Harris 

    2021 - 2022

    Parent's Handbook

    Star Guidelines
    Speak nicely to one other
    Treat others the way you want to be treated
    Always put forth your best effort
    Respect yourself and others
    Stay on task

    Dear Parents/Guardian,
    What can you expect from me?

    1. My students will find that I am always fair and respectful to each student.   

    2. Regular communication throughout the year about your child’s academic progress through conferences, phone calls, progress reports, and notes sent home.

    3. A comfortable, safe, structured, and fun learning environment in which your child is respected as an individual with unique challenges and talents, and receives instruction that is tailored for those needs.

    4. A varied approach to learning including:  lecture, cooperative learning, small group, pair learning, interactive learning, and e-learning. With this involvement as a partnership we can all help our children achieve greatness.
    What do I expect the following from the families of the children in my class? 

    1.         Frequent review of and assistance with homework assignments and initialing of the student planner daily. Timely return of forms sent home for signature.

    2.        Students sent to school on time EVERY day prepared to learn with all needed school supplies.

    3.        Respectful communication about any questions or concerns about what is happening in the classroom. 


    Teachers and parents know homework is necessary to the education process.  As a parent you have an important part to play when it comes to homework.  First, you need to make sure it happens.  Start by setting a regular time for homework in your child's schedule.  Second, you should look over your student's work.  Ask your child to explain it to you.  Doing the homework is important, but understanding it is vital.  Lastly, check your student's homework folder and logs each day. The homework logs are supposed to be signed each day. 
    Students will have homework Monday through Friday.  Homework will go home in a S.T.A.R. binder that the children and I will set up as soon as all supplies are received.   The homework will consist of a variety of activities to help your child gain more understanding of various concepts.  I will not accept messy work.  Along with homework, I would like each child to read for at least 20 minutes each night.  They can read anything they choose, but I the parent or guardian must sign a reading log each night.  This reading log is located in their S.T.A.R binder that will be sent home each night.  Please help your children with their homework, but do not complete the homework for them.
    S.T.A.R Binder:  Each student will have an S.T.A.R Binder.  This binder will travel home with your student every day and back to school the next day.  Inside the binder you will need:
     Zipper Pouch:  To transport lunch money, absent notes, etc.
     Reading Log:  Each student is required to read 20 minutes daily.  To have our students become better readers, they need to practice.  Please record the  time and sign each week’s log.  Logs will be due Friday mornings. If they are absent on Friday they will have to pick up a log on Monday.
    Student Homework Log:  Students will record their homework on their logs.  I am asking that parents sign the homework log each night after they check it for completeness and correctness.
     Homework Folder:  A pocket folder to carry graded work and daily homework.
    Upon return students will have to make up any missed assignments.



    Testing:  Testing will be done at the end of each chapter or unit.  Spelling test will be given on Friday’s.  I will notify students of testing at least 3 days before each test. Review sheets will be given for most tests and students are encouraged to use all materials; flashcards, completed worksheets, and class notes to study.  We will review for the test one day prior to taking the test. 

    Report Cards and Grading

    Report Cards:  There will be 4 report cards issued this year.  I will conference with you on the first and third report card.  A conference sheet will be sent home for you to fill out stating when it is most convenient you to attend.  All grades will be posted on a 4-point rubric.  Rubrics are the grading guidelines for the classroom and this is the rubric style used by the St. Louis Public School District.



    4- Exceeding the Standard

    3- Meeting the Standard

    2-Progressing Toward Standard

    1- Standard Not Meet


    E = Excellent Effort

    S = Satisfactory   Effort

    P = Progressing

    C = Area of Concern


    + = Consistently             - = Inconsistently

    Communication is vital to your child’s success.  Therefore, I have created a way so that I can connect with you. I will send out daily messages through Remind the Class code is e3ba63.

    Going Home:  If your student needs to go home in a different manner than normal, please send me a note. 
    Classroom Management: 


    1 st Offense Verbal Warning
    2 nd Offense Talk with Student
    3 rd Offense Time Out
    4 th Offense Phone Call or Note to Parent
    5 th Offense Principal/Administration Actions

    Supplies:  I ask that you bring in a few supplies for our community of learners.  Occasionally, I might request other supplies, but will give plenty of advance notice.
    *Kleenex (2 box please)
    *Paper towels (2 roll please)
    *1 (3 ring binder)
    *2 packs of notebook paper
    *1 zippered pouch
    * 5 one subject spiral notebooks (math, science and social studies)
    * 5 folders for writing, reading, vocabulary, morning activities and homework
    * 2 composition notebook
    * 1 box of crayons
    * colored pencils and markers



    S.T.A.R Binders-Students Taking Academic Responsibility


    Student Absences:  If you student is absent, please send a note to me stating the reason in their Zipper Pouch of their S.T.A.R. Binder.

Last Modified on September 16, 2021