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    Hello Ames VPA Parents and Cargivers,
       My name is Robert LaPlante, and I am the Family Support Specialist.  My purpose consists of being instrumental in improving student attendance and developing strong, collaborative relationships with parents and families, helping implement & design activities to increase parental involvement and knowledge of federal, state, district, and school policies, as well as, ensure that Ames VPA is in compliance with all policies and mandates of the St. Louis Public School district.
       Research shows that parental involvement in school helps all children do better on a wide variety of measures, both socially and academically.  Part of being involved in the school includes attending PTO meetings, volunteering for events & fundraisers, and being a part of the family events coordinated by the school and PTO.
       PTO meetings are a great way to:
    • Keep up-to-date on what is going on at school
    • Meet and network with other parents
    • Share your thoughts and ideas on decisions that affect your children

    Ames VPA is the ideal elementary school that believes that each student "Has a Purpose".  With that being said, we are going to need your help to make this a successful school year.  The AMES VPA PTO is in need of all of its officers.  All parents and caregivers are PTO members, and we invite and encourage each one of you to attend PTO meetings.

    I ask if you have any questions, comments, or concerns or would like to volunteer, please feel free to contact me via email at robert.laplante@slps.org or telephone 314-241-7165  ext. 20119.  I look forward to meeting and hearing from you.
    Your Friend, 
     Robert LaPlante
     Family Support Specialist