

Degrees and Certifications:

Dr. Lisa R. Small


I am honored to enter into my 8th year as the school leader of Washington Montessori Elementary School. I have worked in a variety of leadership roles with SLPS, which have increased and stretched my leadership capacity in different areas. My passion to excel in this work and to be a lifelong learner has propelled me forward into educational leadership. As a former teacher of students with special needs, I embrace the hard work and commitment to working rigorously with educators in implementing non-traditional research-based instructional practices that create opportunities for students to be academically and socially successful. Strategically planned lessons that involve "hands on" instruction and connections to the real world keep students engaged and motivated to learn the SLPS curriculum. I am proud to lead the only elementary school in the SLPS district that embraces the Montessori Philosophy, and  I have made a commitment to revitalizing this student-centered practice so that every child will have the opportunity to be empowered by their learning. 

"Reach for the Stars!"