

Degrees and Certifications:

Dr. Da'Juana Madison Ed.D


Dear Parents and Guardians,

Hello. My name is Da’Juana Madison and I am your child’s preschool teacher at Washington Montessori Elementary School. I am so excited to have your child in my classroom this year. My planning period is from 2:15 to 3:05.

I thought that you might like to know a little bit about me since I will be working with your child. I taught for five years for YWCA Headstart before accepting a preschool teacher position at Hickey Elementary in September of 2013.  I began teaching at Washington Montessori School in 2018. I enjoy listening to music and using it as a way to remember information. I am an avid reader, so I am thrilled to be a part of helping your child learn to read.

Ms. Tiara Tate and Ms. Kelli Dampier are the ICAs assigned to our classroom.

Our preschool program focuses on skills that early childhood special education students  should know and prepare children for Kindergarten. The Project Construct Approach focuses on hands-on learning. Its goal is to make sure that children have the skills for success in school. By learning these skills in the school surroundings, your child will develop a positive sense of self as well as pre-reading skills, which will help him/her to be successful in Kindergarten.

Our school and classroom follow the Positive Behavior Support (PBS) model. As such, the rules are uniform throughout the school to help create a positive learning environment. The rules are to be respectful, be responsible, and use self-control. In our classroom, we believe that all children are well-behaved and smart. Sometimes, they just make poor choices. Our classroom discipline policy is that of redirection to a more positive behavior. If redirection does not work, the child will be given a brief and immediate reflection time to calm down and consider better choices. If need be, we will call you and ask you to speak to your child so that we may understand the choices he/she is making. Our classroom hours are 9:10-4:07 pm.  If your child did not have a folder on the first day of school, I provided one to transport papers to and from school daily. All folders will be checked by an adult in our classroom each day. Please make sure that you check your child’s folder every day after school. Your child will put his/her folder into our folder box each day.

I am asking that you send in a complete extra set of clothing (including underwear, socks, pants and a shirt or dress) if you have not already done so, in case of emergencies. A change of clothing will be needed if there is a bathroom accident, or if someone gets a little overexcited at lunch or at center time. PLEASE make sure you label all items sent in (I have a large bag for each child to put his/her extra clothes in). I am also requesting you send in a blanket or large towel for your child to use as a cover during their rest time. The blanket/towel will be sent home on Fridays for washing.

Please note that while it is very important for children to be at school every day, there are some exceptions. If your child is ill, please keep him/her at home. When children come to school ill, the illness spreads to the other children and staff members. The rule is that children must be fever, diarrhea and vomit free for 24 hours before returning to school. Additionally, please notify the school when your child will be absent. I am required to document the reasons for absences for the Early Childhood Office. Additionally, should your child miss three days or more of school in one month, you will receive an excessive absence form to sign, per the Early Childhood attendance policy. Should your child need to see a doctor during the course of his/her illness, we will need a doctor’s note upon your child’s return to school.

If you would like to get in touch with me, you may contact me at the school (314-361-0432) at any time. I will return your call as soon as possible. You may also email me at With your support, I know that together we can help your child become successful and develop a love of learning.

Your Partner in Education,

DaJuana Madison Ed.D