Required Enrollment Paperwork

  • To enroll at Mallinckrodt, the following must be turned in to the main office or school nurse;

    • Physical Exam (dated within the last year)
    • Immunization Record
    • Dental Exam (Pre-K only)
    • Lead and Hemoglobin Test Results (Pre-K only)

    The following should also be completed and turned in to the main office or school nurse, but is not required for enrollment;

    • Authorization for Emergency Care
    • Hzael Health Consent Form
    • Over-the-Counter Medication Administration
    • Student Health Registration Form

    If your student needs to take any type of medication at school, the following form needs to be completed;

    • Authorization for Administering Medication
    • Medication will need to given to the school, including inhalers and EpiPens

    *If your student has asthma, allergies, or seizures, an action plan will need to be completed by your physician and turned in.*

    • All forms can be found under "Student Health Forms."
    • Physical and Dental forms can be printed off and turned in from the physician, it does not need to be on the district form.
    • If you have questions or concerns about your student and their health needs, please contact Stephanie Lynch

    Contact Information
    Stephanie Lynch MAT, RN