Helpful Resources

  • Quick ways to calm

    • Think of your favorite things

    • Give yourself a hug
    • Squeeze Something (play dough, clay, silly putty, your fists, a stress ball)

    • Get a Cold Drink of Water

    • 54321 Grounding Technique - go through your five senses 

      • 5 things you can see 
      • 4 things you can touch
      • 3 things you can hear 
      • 2 things you can smell
      • 1 thing you can taste 

     Explore other coping skills here 


    Videos for stress relief 



Be kind to your mind!
  • 24/7 Help/Ayuda 

    Behavioral Health Response (BHR) | Call 1-844-985-8282, 314-649-6644 or Text BHEARD to 31658

    LGBTQ+ - The Trevor Project | Call 1-866-488-7396 or Text START to 678-678

    Suicide Prevenetion Helpline | Call 1-800-273-825 or Espanol 1-888-628-9454 


    For counseling referral, please reach out to me directly