• Big Ideas

    Student will develop number sense and operation sense needed to represent numbers and number relationships verbally, symbolically, and graphically and to compute fluently and make reasonable estimates in problem solving.


    Understand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers and number systems. Read write and compare numbers by comparing and ordering rational and irrational numbers, including finding their approximate location on the number line.

    Apply operations to real numbers using mental computation or paper and pencil calculations for simple cases and technology for more complicated cases.

    Essential Questions

    How is an understanding of rational numbers, their representations, and relationships useful in problem solving?

    How does understanding numerical operations, language, symbols, and their properties, and relationships to each other provide a basis for understanding more complex number theory?

    How important are estimations in real life situations?

    How is the best numerical representation for a given situation determined?

    How does explaining the process of problem solving lead to better understanding?

    How is a reasonable result determined?

    Why is the ability to solve problems the heart of Mathematics?