

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Jenise Bisher Nea

Hello and Welcome! 
I am a Veteran Educator of 19 years here in the St. Louis Public Schools. The last few school years brought many challenges to all of us though we rose to the occasion and learned an incredible amount about relationships, education, and how to prioritize. I look forward to the upcoming school year and all that it will teach us. 

 A little about me: I have a great community of family and friends that I enjoy spending time with when possible, 4 adult children, a few grandkittens and a grandpup (these terms are funny to me). I love to cook, to travel, to spend time outdoors, to listen to music, and I enjoy reading.

Education Resume:
Bachelor’s of Environmental Sciences from Washington University.
Bachelor’s of Arts in Education: Cross-  Categorical K-12 from Missouri  Baptist University.
Master’s of Arts in Education from Missouri Baptist University.
Last Modified on August 16, 2022