

Degrees and Certifications:

Degrees Bachelors of Science in Education Minor in Spanish Masters in Teaching English as a Second Language Certifications Elementary Education (1st-6th Grade) Early Childhood Education (birth-3rd Grade) ESOL (K-12) SIOP

Miss Margaret Smith 👩🏻‍🏫

For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to be a teacher! I’ve had many wonderful teachers throughout the years, and they inspired me to be the best teacher that I can be. Therefore, as soon as I was able to, I began to take advantage of opportunities that will help me better myself as an educator.

I graduated from the University of Missouri - Columbia with a Bachelors of Science in Education with an emphasis in Elementary Education. In addition, I am certified in Early Childhood Education and earned a minor in Spanish. In May 2019, I completed my Masters in Teaching English as a Second Language at Webster University. This year, I am working toward achieving National Board Certification in the area of English As a New Language for Early and Middle Childhood. I have a love for education and believe that as a teacher, I must be continuously learning and improving—just as my students do in class.