• Are you interested in purchasing an SLPS property?

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    For listed schools interested parties are invited to tender a financial offer (contract) and proposed earnest money amount to the District’s broker, Development Resources Partners, LLC.
    Proposals must include a redevelopment plan that demonstrates both positive community impact and the potential buyer’s capacity to complete the project as described in a timely fashion and operate it on an ongoing and self-sustaining basis.
    Offers will be considered by the District’s Real Estate Committee on a monthly basis, and the committee’s recommendations will be evaluated by the Special Administrative Board in closed session at its next monthly
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    meeting. Approved proposals will require an earnest money deposit and afforded a 60-day inspection period during which the earnest deposit is fully refundable. Upon expiration of the 60-day inspection period, 50% of the earnest money becomes non-refundable and the buyer has 30 days to close.
    Offers on unlisted properties meet the same review and approval criteria as above, but are subject to an additional time frame—generally 30 days—during which the property can be publicly listed for sale through DRP LLC.